Helping organizations devise and execute effective public policy, legislative, and regulatory advocacy strategies and initiatives at the intersection of technology, media, and telecommunications (TMT)
“Convergence” is not just an overhyped buzzword. In a rapidly evolving global digital economy, convergence across and within the dynamic TMT industries is changing ecosystems and public policy. In particular, convergence is forcing policymakers to develop new legal systems – legislative and regulatory – that support and supervise the constantly morphing marketplace while protecting the interests of Canadians as citizens and consumers.
​The potentially significant impacts of future TMT policy and legal frameworks on industry players and Canadians increase the need for professional development and execution of effective advocacy strategies and initiatives. Our Strategic Policy Counsel Deborah Smith-Webber leverages her deep industry, policy, and legal expertise and experience and insider understanding of how governments and bureaucracies work to:
​Understand your organization’s current priorities;
Develop advocacy strategies and initiatives aligned with your organization’s objectives and focused on its long-term sustainability; and
Influence and inform government decisions toward achieving your organizational goals.
Provide strategic political and policy advice across complex, multi-faceted, and inter-related TMT policy tools and issues (see below)​
Identify and define your policy challenges and opportunities in a way that governments at all levels can understand and address​
Develop policy positions and devise and execute effective policy advocacy strategies and initiatives targeted to specific decision-makers​​
Craft policy options for approaches to challenges/opportunities that are comprehensive, practical, creative, and progressive,
conduct risk analysis and evaluation of options and mitigation strategies​​
Identify policy opponents, helping you build policy alliances,
develop and analyze stakeholder consultation, and provide insight and intelligence on industry trends, policy, legal and political developments, emerging issues, communities of interest, jurisdiction scans, and best practices​​
TMT Policy Tools & Issues

Financial Supports
Financial supports for TMT industries, such as tax credits, funds, grants, loans, and operating capital, including supports for Canadian cultural products (goods/services) and Canadian talent.

International Trade Rules
Agreements on international trade in TMT products, including liberalizing commitments, Canadian cultural exception, and copyright obligations.

Controversial Content Rules (“Censorship”)
Laws, CRTC frameworks, and TMT industry rules restricting controversial content (e.g., disinformation, sexually explicit, hateful, violent, abusive), including intermediary liability for illegal content.

Competition Rules
Competition Act and CRTC frameworks for corporate consolidation and market concentration (vertical/horizontal) within and between TMT industries.

Digital Technology Deployment
Political, social, and ethical impacts of digital technology deployed in TMT industries, including artificial intelligence (AI), augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR), blockchain, Internet of Things (IoT), 3D printing, robots, and drones.

Consumer Protection Rules
Laws and CRTC frameworks that protect consumers from abusive practices by TMT industry players.

Digital Skills Gap
Ways to narrow the digital skills gap that is hampering digital transformation of TMT businesses and leading to unrealized revenue, such as training and upskilling employees, educating the next generation of talent, and facilitating labour mobility in a global talent market.

Regulatory Supports
CRTC regulatory supports for broadcasting and telecommunications systems (“CRTC frameworks”) and governing statutes including the Broadcasting Act and Telecommunications Act.

Foreign Ownership & Investment Rules
Investment Canada Act and CRTC frameworks for foreign ownership/investment in cultural, broadcasting, and telecommunications businesses.

Copyright Rules
Copyright Act protections and enforcement mechanisms, including intermediary liability for copyright infringement and bridging the “value gap” between creator and non-creator copyright holders.

Security Rules
Laws about government and TMT industry player surveillance and data collection/protection

Network Neutrality
Laws, CRTC frameworks, and TMT industry rules designed to protect the principle of “network neutrality” and prevent its violation by network service providers.

Human Rights
Constitutional rights (e.g., privacy) and freedoms (e.g., expression) that are violated by government and TMT industry player practices such as censorship, surveillance, and data breaches.